Fishing Report: 8/27/13

Sunrise is 6:29am, sunset is 7:39pm, high temp expected 86 degrees, 0% chance rain.
Tides: 1st high @ 12:14am, low @ 6:29am – 2nd high @12:51pm, low @ 7:35pm
Winds will be mostly SW 10-15 mph.

Monday pier and beach reports included decent catches of bluefish and puppy drum (mostly on cut-bait) with some sea mullet and spot in the mix (bloodworms, fishbites & shrimp on bottom rigs).

Because of the prevailing winds backing around to the SW, expect the sea water temperature to drop out of the mid 70s into the mid-high 60s. The waves will start to lay down and the water will remain cloudy. Expect Tuesday’s weather to slow down the fishing a bit especially from the beach. Soundside fishing should improve for speckles and pups.

I’ve sent lots of people to Kitty Hawk Bay this year, but because of all the rain we’ve had lately, the water there is very fresh and the milfoil growth has exploded around the shorelines. All that aquatic vegetation makes it difficult to fish lures. If you’re willing to fight off the crabs, use natural bait (or just go crabbing).

Good reports of sheepshead from the pilings at the O. I. bridge. Flounder pounders are quiet right now but I’m hearing a lot of noise about red drum in the sounds (old drum).

As always, be a hero, take a kid fishing!!! Coolbreeze out.