Fishing Report: 9/13/13

It’s going to be mostly cloudy, high 82 degrees, 30% chance of rain with winds west shifting to north 10 – 15 mph. Sunset is 7:15 pm, tomorrow sunrise is 6:43 am.
First tide is high at 1:35 am, low is 7:55 am
Second tide is high at 2:18 pm, low at 8:58 pm

So far today the surf and pier reports are on the slow side. Duck research lists the sea water temp at the end of the pier as a nipply 66 degrees and the rest of the piers say the water is murky and grassy.

The boats had a fine day of catching: the offshore fleet was beating off mahi-mahi, yellowfin and wahoo with their gaffs; inshore boats had limits of puppy drum and trout; nearshore trollers slayed bluefish and Spanish and the wreck fisherman decked triggerfish, tilefish and amberjack.

Come on in, check our late summer sales on beach stuff and always take a kid fishing!!! Coolbreeze out