Fishing Report: 9/3/13

September 3rd calls for a high of 82 degrees and a 50% chance of rain. Winds will be SW at 10-15 mph. Sunset tonight is 7:29 pm and sunrise tomorrow is 6:36 am. Piers are calling the ocean water temperature at 72-74 degrees.
First tide is low at 12:38 am, high at 6:33 am
Second tide is low at 12:38 pm, high at 6:45 pm

Checking with the piers, the seas are flat and the water is not as dirty as yesterday. Fishing is a little slow with some bluefish and sea mullet. Nags Head had a couple large sheepshead.

Inshore boats stayed at the docks yesterday, haven’t heard their status today.

Offshore fishing is still a hot ticket for white marlin in multiple numbers. Mahi-mahi and tunas are filling the fish boxes.

Surf fishermen around Oregon Inlet are finding a decent puppy drum bite using fresh mullet.

Stop by the shop and let us know how you’re doing. As always, Take a kid fishing! Coolbreeze out