Fishing Report Dec 16th 2013

Monday  Dec 16th, today’s high will be in the mid 40s but at least the sun is out with a 0% chance of rain.  Winds will be northwest to west 10 – 15 mph,  sunset will be 4:50 pm with the sunrise tomorrow at 7:06 am.
First tide is low at 12:02 am followed by a high at 6:24 am
Second tide is low at 1:05 pm and high at 6:42 pm

The bridge is open, the bridge is open, the sun is shining, the bridge is open!!!  If you decided to drive down to the Buxton jetties to fish for drum, after leaving the Stop n Shop you’d be there in just over a hour cause the BRIDGE IS OPEN.  After buying your eels at the Stop n Shop for $1.99 each, less than 30 minutes later  you could fish for stripers from the catwalks at Oregon Inlet cause the BRIDGE IS OPEN.  You can drive over the inlet and past the dunes to grandma’s house in Hatteras village with a personally selected gift basket hand-made by one of the cuties at the Stop n Shop, cause the BRIDGE IS OPEN.












