Fishing Report Dec 23rd 2013

Forecasts call for a 90% chance of rain but as I post this it’s pretty bright outside.  Expect the high to be in the low 70s with the winds from the SSW 15 – 25+ mph.  Sunset is 4:53 pm and tomorrows sunrise will be 7:10 am.
First tide is low at 4:43 am followed with a high at 10:44 am
Second tide is low at 5:16 pm with the high at 11:26 pm

I came into the Stop n Shop last nite around 7:30 to retrieve something, and one of our friendly locals (I didn’t get his name so I can’t give him credit, so sorry) was weighing a 30 3/4″ speckled trout he caught from his kayak at the hot ditch up in Virginia.  Nine plus lbs and NO PHOTO!!!  If I ever get more info I will update it.
Jennettes pier has posted the water temp at 59 degrees which is downright balmy for this time of year – their catch of the day so far is a skate and a spiny dogfish.  The closer we get to Xmas the harder it is to scrape out a fish report.

Be a hero,  TAKE A KID FISHING!!!

Coolbreeze out