Fishing Report Dec 27th 2013

Friday Dec 27th is calling for a high  of 48 degrees  and sunny with a 0% chance of rain.  Winds will be N 10 -15 mph shifting later to the NE and diminishing.  Sunset is 4:55 pm and sunrise tomorrow is 7:12 am.
First tide is a high at 2:06 am followed with a low at 8:32 am
Second tide is a high at 2:16 pm and the low at 8:37 pm

Christmas is over and lots of us are still working off the sugar rush from left over cookies and candy canes.  Ocean water temp on the northern beaches is posted at 50 degrees and it’s a little rough out there with the north winds stirring it up.  Jennettes pier reported some skates were decked yesterday and that is all I’ve heard so far up this way.
Red Drum Tackle in Buxton reported puppy drum were landed all day at Cape Hatteras all day yesterday.  Also caught were some speckled trout, black drum and unspecified sharks.

Mid 50s expected tomorrow.  Homemade chicken noodle soup in our deli today to take off the chilly north breeze.

Be a hero,  TAKE A KID FISHING!!!

Coolbreeze out