Fishing Report Dec 30th 2013

It’s Monday, Dec 30th and it looks like a fine day to goof off from work.  Forecast calls for a NW wind at 10 mph, projected high around 54 degrees, a 0% chance of rain.  Sunset is 4:57 pm and tomorrow’s sunrise is 7:13 am.
First tide is high at 4:56 am followed with a low at 11:29 am
Second tide is high at 5:14 pm with the next low at 11:27pm

“CARPE DIEM!!”  Seize the day!!   Get out there and enjoy our favorite sandbar.  If I could sneak away from the store this afternoon, I’d head down to Oregon Inlet with a bag of bait shrimp and my favorite light surf stick and search for some pullage.  Today I would target some slot sized puppy drum.  I recall several years ago getting a tip about the inlet on this very same day, Dec 30th.  My tackle was in my SUV (as it should be this time of year).  I drove down to ramp #2 and as I rolled over the dune there were 25 – 30 vehicles lined up and nearly all the anglers I could see were bowed up –  IT WAS A BLUEFISH BLITZ.  The water was calm, the swell was very small, less than a foot, and you could stand at the edge of the water and watch as those chopper blues had their way with the very frightened peanut bunker right in front of you.  I caught the tail end of that event which was the last blitz I’ve seen to date, but still a fine memory to end the year with.
Seize the day,   TAKE A KID FISHING!!!!

Coolbreeze out