Fishing Report Feb 21st 2014

For Friday, Feb 21st, expect a high around 67 degrees, partly cloudy skies with a 60% chance of rain and winds South 15-25 mph.  Sunset is 5:49 PM and sunrise tomorrow will be at 6:43 AM.
First tide is low at 5:32 am with the high at 11:21 AM
Second tide is low at 5:42 PM followed by a high at 12:01 AM tomorrow

The water temp posted at Duck pier this morning was a 39 chilly degrees which is why a lot of the puppy drum caught down at Oregon Inlet are actually snagged and they fight like an old boot.  Some of the satellite imagery for Cape Hatteras shows the water temps getting up to 60+ degrees ( very nice for Feb ).  The Red Drum Tackle team reported good catches of pups on the south side of the point yesterday.

“When God created the earth with 3/4 of the surface water and 1/4 of the surface land, clearly God intended mankind to fish 3 times more than to cut grass.”

Coolbreeze out