Fishing Report Nov 25th 2013

For Monday Nov 25th, the expected high will be around 44 degrees with partly cloudy skies and 0% chance of rain.  Wind will start out N shifting to SE 10 -15 mph.  Sunset is 4:51 pm and sunrise tomorrow is 6:49 pm.
First tide is high at 12:07 am with a low at 6:11 am
Second tide is high at 12:13 pm and low at 6:48 pm

Driving to work this morning I noticed the ice on some areas of Kitty Hawk Bay so it had to be a bit more than chilly last nite.  Calling around to the piers, Outer banks pier was the hot spot with several slot puppy drum hooked this morning.  Sea water temp is posted as 50 – 51 degrees.  Tuesday and Wednesday are supposed to be in the 60s but with a significant chance of rain.  Thanksgiving is typically a popular holiday on the OBX so I’m hoping we don’t get weathered out on the weekend.  Not trying to date myself but I can remember surf fishermen coming here for the holiday to chase schools of large bluefish blitzing the beaches.  Not holding my breath but wouldn’t that be something to be thankful for!

If those fat speckled trout decide to start showing up this week and the cold weather is making you re-think your wader situation, come on in, we can help you out.  If you need fresh eels, we can help you out.

Make a good fish story, TAKE A KID FISHING!!!   Coolbreeze out