Fishing Report Oct 16th 2013

For Wednesday Oct 16th, under cloudy skies expect a high of 74 degrees, NNE winds 10 – 15 and a slight chance of rain.  Sunset is at 6:27 pm with sunrise tomorrow at 7:10 am.
First tide is high at 5:45 am and low at 12:12 pm
Second tide is high at 6:05 pm with the next low early tomorrow morning

Ocean temp is 68 degrees and the surf is murky with a disorganized swell.  As the winds back around tonight and tomorrow to the W and SW expect the waves to start cleaning up with smoother faces.  Anglers on the piers and beaches are catching fish especially drum and sea mullet.

Gary B at Fishing Unlimited says “the little bridge is the best show in town” for specks and puppy drum – while I’m sure there are other places in the sound that produce fish, Fishing Unlimited at the Melvin Daniels Bridge is the only place I can call and get an eyeball, first-hand report.

I did not hear of any boats going out today but you can still come in to the Stop n Shop and tell your best fish story or order a fresh breakfast biscuit.  As always,  TAKE A KID FISHING!!!   Cool breeze out