Fishing Report Oct 6th 2013

Another fine weekend on the sandbar we call the Outer Banks of N.C. Today will be sunny, winds are SE 10-15, expected high is 81 degrees and a 0% chance of rain. Sunset is 6:41 pm and sunrise tomorrow is 7:01 am.
First tide is low at 2:26 am and high is 8:38 am
Second tide is low at 3:04 pm and high is 8:54 pm

Surprising to me is that it’s such a bluebird day out there and the piers are still catching big drum. Water conditions are clear and calm, water temp is still 70 degrees and surf is small or nonexistent.  In addition to the big drum, reports include small stuff like spot , croaker, pompano, bluefish and sea mullet.

Been hearing of lots of bait around.  I did hear early in the week that large, yellowbelly spot were being caught in Va Beach.  Maybe the next northeaster will help their stubby little fins get down here to us.

Since the sound striper season opened, there have been a lot of boats trolling the Coinjock ditch with moderate success.

Latest word from down south in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, the park LEOs are not restricting pedestrian access to the beaches – read that as they are short-staffed and not able to handle the small stuff.

Enjoy the weather and bring us a fish story.  Take a kid fishing,   Coolbreeze out