Fishing Report Thursday 6/26/2014

The weatherman lied to us this morning – he said cloudy, chance of rain, SW wind – it’s been sunny, clear and hot with a light wind all over the map.  Sunset tonite is at 8:23 PM and tomorrow’s sunrise is 5:48 AM. First tide is a low at 1:51 AM with a high at 7:31 AM Second tide is low at 1:28 PM followed with the high at 7:47 PM

The GOOD NEWS is the summer solstice was last Saturday morning and that was the official start of summer.  The BAD NEWS is the summer solstice was Saturday and it was the longest day of the year and until the winter solstice in mid December, all the days that follow will continue to get shorter.  As long as we’re on a Debbie downer, Wednesday’s mid 70’s sea water temp is today’s low 60’s.  Expect tomorrow’s wind change to warm it up again.

Checking with the beaches and piers, the skate bite is on again – blame it on the cooler water.  The boats have the strategic advantage in that they can navigate to better water conditions on days like today – check with your favorite charter fleet to see what options are available to you.

Be a hero  ……    TAKE A KID FISHING !!!

Coolbreeze out