Fishing Report: 9/8/13

Excellent, we are being blessed with 2 beautiful days in a row, and on a weekend no less.  mostly sunny skies, high about 80, SW winds 10 mph or less and a 0% chance of rain. Sunset is 7:22 pm, sunrise tomorrow at 6:39 am. Ocean temp 74-79 degrees.
First tide is low at 3:36 am, high at 9:47 am
Second tide is low at 4:09 pm, high at 9:59 pm

First reports so far today from the piers is that the catching is a little slow this A.M. Ocean water temp is running 74 – 78 degrees and is relatively clean – bluefish and Spanish are a definite possibility.

If you can book a boat, white marlin, blackfin and yellowfin tuna and mahi-mahi are at the top of the offshore menu. Inshore and nearshore action includes bluefish, Spanish macs, cobia, trigger fish and speckled trout.

Have a great weekend, as always, take a kid fishing!!!  Coolbreeze out