Fishing Report: 9/9/13

For Monday Sept. 9th the weather forecast is pretty decent. The winds will be E 10-15, expected high is 82 degrees and partly cloudy with a 0% chance of rain. Sunset is 7:20 pm and sunrise is tomorrow at 6:40 am.
First tide is low at 4:18 am, high at 10:31 am
Second tide is low at 4:57 pm, high at 10:45 pm

Calling the piers this morning, they said the ocean water temp was 74 -78 degrees and mostly clear. Catching was slow for a mixed bak of bluefish, spot, sea mullet, croaker and puppy drum.

Gary B said there were several flounder early today, mostly throwbacks, along with pups, speckles and black drum. Anyone know that spot, speckled trout and croaker are all in the drum family – true fact.

White marlin are still chewing off the sterns of the offshore fleet. Some blue marlin and sailfish have provided an added bonus for some anglers in addition to the tuna and mahi-mahi.

Bluefish and Spanish are the mainstay of the inshore fleet.

Conditions are steady, take a kid fishing today!!! Coolbreeze out